I’ve been watching a lot of Oscar nominated films. At the suggestion of Lisa and Ruhee, I started with Moneyball.
I wouldn’t be fully able to trust Ruhee’s opinion on this film, as she actually likes baseball, but Lisa seems ambivalent towards the sport, so I thought I’d go along with her opinions.
For those unfamiliar, the film is a docudrama about a major league baseball team down the crapper with no money and hemorrhaging players. Brad Pitt is their General Manager, and he decides to hire Jonah Hill, a statistician, and together they build a team based on highest runs/$ they can get. It’s a strategy that hadn’t been done before, and after struggling, they find it works.
There’s a big moral that you don’t have to win the World Series to prove you won, blah blah blah, something like that.
Overall, It’s quite a good and entertaining film.