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So it seems everyone wants to undo Harper’s move to prorogue parliament, and the answer… Join a Facebook group. I have two problems with this. 1) Are we really “Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament?” I’m not (that’s actually why I didn’t join the group). Prorogation has a specific use in Canadian democracy, but this isn’t it. Harper is using this little used bit of Canadian law to get his way. Brief intermission to apologize for the following language. Sorry. 2) What the fuck is this going to do? What the fuck will a demonstration do? What the fuck will writing to the PMO do? What the fuck will writing to your… Read More »Ugh


Your result for The Nerd? Geek? or Dork? Test… Joe Normal 35 % Nerd, 9% Geek, 35% Dork For The Record: A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia. A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one. A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions. You scored less than half in all three, earning you the title of: Joe Normal. This is not to say that you don’t have some Nerd, Geek or Dork inside of you–we all do, and you can see the percentages you have right above. This is just to say… Read More »Really?

The Doctor & Rose

The Doctor Is Out

“Happy New Year,” says a smiling young girl to a drunken stranger. “And you,” the stranger replies before asking “what year is this?” “2005, January the first” she says. “I bet you’re going to have a really great year,” says the Doctor to his long-time friend and companion. In 2005 a legend returned to the screen. A Time Lord, from the planet Gallifrey, entered his TARDIS and travelled about Space and Time. Russell T. Davies was responsible for “regenerating” this long-dead mythos for television. After cancellation in 1989 and a failed attempt in 1996, it was long thought in the fan community that Doctor Who would never rise again. The… Read More »The Doctor Is Out

Twenty Ten

Want to learn how to pronounce 2010? Click here. Via The Daily What.

Prorogation Part II

Today marked the second December in as many years in which the Head of Government has asked the defacto Head of State to prorogue Parliament. This wouldn’t be a problem if there was a practical purpose to end the session early, however, in both cases the Right Honourable Prime Minister has used this little-used Parliamentary tradition to serve his singular purpose. Last year, Her Excellency, the Governor General prorogued parliament on the advice of her Prime Minister to prevent an election or a coalition government forming. This year, Madame Jean had a precedence set, if he asks, she must grant; what happened to the oversight of the Crown? What’s the… Read More »Prorogation Part II

Up In The Air

Up In The Air

Went to see Up In The Air last night, it’s the new Jason Reitman film starring George Clooney. I expected better, based solely on the fact that it was Jason Reitman. The problem, I think, stems from Clooney’s character being so shallow. There’s little in his character that can support a film, sure he’s going through a crossroad in his career and ability to experience personal relationships, but that’s not enough. How can the audience relate to this character?  Though Clooney’s character does a rather obvious round-about by the end of the film, it’s not worth the build up. There are better movies out there, who wants to go see… Read More »Up In The Air

White Cowbell Oklahoma

On the 19th, I went to see White Cowbell Oklahoma’s anniversary show at Lee’s Palace. One of the best shows I’ve been to in a while. WCO always put on an amazing visual show, which can be seen in more details here.

Jolly Snowflake Day, Everyone!

Dear Family and Friends, Is it possible a year has passed since my last impersonal over-informative photocopied holiday update? I can hardly believe it’s only been a year since the United Nations abolished religious holidays in favour of the non-offensive, all-inclusive, Snowflake Day. In addition to my crippling bunions from last year, I have also been diagnosed with corns. But in this happy season, we all have to be thankful. Thankful that the plantar warts in my other foot have finally been removed, save one, I call him Gary; and he’s part of the family now, he’d better buy me a good present! And after fifty-two hours, I finally passed… Read More »Jolly Snowflake Day, Everyone!

Top 50 of the Aughts further explained

A list is a list, and it doesn’t really cover what I hope to let people know. If you don’t know me, you won’t know why I chose these records. I thought I’d further explain the top 10. 10) God Help The Girl – God Help The Girl (2009) God Help The Girl is the soundtrack to Stuart Murdoch’s unwritten film. The Belle & Sebastian frontman used the opportunity of a hiatus to record a new record using female vocalists who he wouldn’t usually have the opportunity to work within the stricter environment of a Belle & Sebastian album. The songs are damn good, and Stuart arranges for a wide… Read More »Top 50 of the Aughts further explained