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“I Am The Teacher” by The Germans

HistoryJen posted an article for a contest she’s running for free tickets to see Schomberg Fair and The Germans at The Garrison, here in Toronto. She concluded it with the following video by The Germans. I had to post it, too.

The Magnetic Fields in Toronto

It appears the The Magnetic Fields have announced their 2010 tour, and they’ll be coming to Toronto!

The Waters of Mars

I really don’t know what to make of this episode. At times it was silly, but not necessarily in a good way, at times it was dark, but kind of hokey. I don’t really find that the Doctor’s behaviour is really believable. David Tennant’s Doctor is not the Doctor to presume such might over lower-beings (ie. Humans), I could see Christopher Eccelston’s Doctor in that stance, but not Tennant’s. Also, what’s with the burning fire on the surface of Mars? Yes, Mars has atmosphere, but I doubt it’s thick enough to support a burning flame. Though, I did really enjoy the episode.

Egge & Elkas

I didn’t bring my camera tonight, but I went down to the Rivoli to see Anna Egge and Peter Elkas. Anna has a beautiful voice, and a handful of really good songs, but I’m not sure if I’m totally sold on her. Perhaps it’s partially because she kinda looks like a woman I work with, who I’m not too fond of. Perhaps it’s her songs. I dunno. Either way, her set was enjoyable, but nothing to write home about. She wins bonus points for the cover of Belle & Sebastian’s “A Summer Wasting” found on her MySpace. Peter’s set, however, was fabulous as always. His band were a three-piece, and… Read More »Egge & Elkas

The Wave

Google Wave is kinda boring on your own. Who wants to befriend me? My account is google at mydomain dot calm. I also have eight invites. Who wants one?

Where has your headlight gone

On Halloween, I returned to my car to find my baby girl (2000 Honda Civic) was injured. It was a bad night, fortunately, some lovely person saw what happened, and noted the plate number on an old TTC day pass. That person is a hero to me. Yesterday, I got my girl back, she’s doing fine, and the lovely folks at the body shop fixed her up real well. Today I got a call from the Toronto Police Service, telling me they “apprehended the vehicle and have laid charges.” I’m guessing they’re not charging the vehicle, but the person, but either way, I’m giddy! Road trip, anyone?

Google Go

Google’s announced a new programming language… Umm, wtf?

Wavelength 488

Went to one of the final nights of Wavelength. It was a “round robin” featuring way too many bands. Among them was Doctor Ew, aka Drew Smith of the Bicycles. It was nice to see a former Bicycle performing some new material.