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So it seems everyone wants to undo Harper’s move to prorogue parliament, and the answer… Join a Facebook group. I have two problems with this. 1) Are we really “Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament?” I’m not (that’s actually why I didn’t join the group). Prorogation has a specific use in Canadian democracy, but this isn’t it. Harper is using this little used bit of Canadian law to get his way. Brief intermission to apologize for the following language. Sorry. 2) What the fuck is this going to do? What the fuck will a demonstration do? What the fuck will writing to the PMO do? What the fuck will writing to your… Read More »Ugh

Prorogation Part II

Today marked the second December in as many years in which the Head of Government has asked the defacto Head of State to prorogue Parliament. This wouldn’t be a problem if there was a practical purpose to end the session early, however, in both cases the Right Honourable Prime Minister has used this little-used Parliamentary tradition to serve his singular purpose. Last year, Her Excellency, the Governor General prorogued parliament on the advice of her Prime Minister to prevent an election or a coalition government forming. This year, Madame Jean had a precedence set, if he asks, she must grant; what happened to the oversight of the Crown? What’s the… Read More »Prorogation Part II